DelVal Color Guard wins The Mid-Atlantic Indoor Network championship

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DelVal Color Guard at Championships

Courtesy: Karen Sheldon. From left: James Levister, Charline Contreras ’19, Brianna Worley ’19, Amanda Arnold ’17, Kayla Muench ’17, Sarah Boughton ’17, Stephanie DelVento ’16 and Joe Santoro. 

The Delaware Valley University Color Guard won the Independent Novice Division of The Mid-Atlantic Indoor Network’s annual Championships on April 16. The competition was held at South Brunswick Regional High School in New Jersey. This was the first time the Guard won this award. The total score for the competition was 80.5.

Their show, “Cup of Joy,” was applauded by the audience and judges alike.

DelVal Color Guard members include: Stephanie DelVento ’16, Amanda Arnold ’17, Sarah Boughton ’17, Kayla Muench ’17, Charline Contreras ’19 and Brianna Worley ’19. The director is Joe Santoro assisted by Jay Levister.

Interested in joining? Those interested in joining for the 2017 competitive season should contact Karen Sheldon, the DelVal Color Guard’s advisor, at

Learn more about the Color Guard: To learn more, check out the Color Guard’s Facebook page.