Green Dot


The Green Dot strategy teaches us that, “No one has to do everything, but everyone can do something.” Our goal is to foster a campus community where power-based violence is not and will not be welcomed or tolerated, and where all are welcome and encouraged to thrive.

The Green Dot Strategy:

  • Invites people to reconsider their role in preventing power-based personal violence
  • Inspires people to believe things can be different and their contribution matters
  • Engages people in education that will equip them with the motivation, knowledge, & skill needed to take action
  • Strengthens new behaviors through reinforcement, practice, and multiple exposures to key messages
  • Sustains changes through integrating key messages into permanent infrastructure


A green dot is a small, single moment in time when someone makes the choice through words or actions to reduce the likelihood of another incident of power-based personal violence from occurring. A green dot does not have to be a BIG thing, it can be a small thing. Examples include:

  • Hanging a prevention poster in an office or residence hall
  • Wearing a green dot pin
  • Sharing the Green Dot link or another link about violence prevention and bystander intervention on social media
  • Attending an Overview Talk session
  • Having conversations with colleagues and friends about how important this issue is to you
  • Simply your individual choice at any given moment to bring positive change to the campus culture

You want to be a part of this great movement, but don’t know how.

To date, 115 faculty, staff, and administration participated in an Overview Talk and 66 students participated in a Student Bystander Training.

Green Dot welcomes all faculty, staff, and students to get involved and share their time and talents! There are a variety of options to contribute to the initiative ranging from attending an Overview Talk or Bystander Training to getting others to join the important cause, planning events, or expanding the social media outreach.

If you would like more information or are interested in joining the Engagement or Action Events and Social Marketing Committees, please click the Get Involved button.